Perpetual Adoration

Perpetual Adoration (24 hours a day) in our Chapel. If you would like to register as a new Adorer, you can do so in the parish office or filling out the form below.

To all the Adorers who have generously pledged to come one or more hours a week to Adore the Blessed Sacrament, they are reminded:

  1. It is the adorer’s responsibility to find a replacement, either in his family and friends, or among other adorers if he cannot keep his holy hour.
  2. Please never leave the Blessed Sacrament alone, wait until the next person arrives.
  3. Sign in on the tablet when entering and leaving the chapel for a record.
  4. There is a coordinator for each schedule. If you have any problems, please contact them (you were given the contact when registering).
  5. Inside the Adoration Chapel, we must remain silent; especially if there are other people, so they can pray.
  6. For your safety, if there is a knock on the door, don’t open.

Don’t forget to invite other people to be Adorers as well.