Sacraments and Ceremonies

The sacraments of the New Law were instituted by Christ and there are seven, namely Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Marriage. The seven sacraments correspond to all the stages and all the important moments of the Christian's life: they give birth and growth, healing and mission to the Christian life of faith. There is here a certain similarity between the stages of natural life and the stages of spiritual life.

Santo Tomás de Aquino, Summa theologiae 3, q. 65, a.1, c

Perpetual Adoration

Perpetual Adoration (24 hours a day) in our Chapel has already begun. If someone wants to register as a new adorer, they can do so at the parish office.


We offer group baptisms 2 times a month for children under 7 years of age. If your children are 7 years or older, they will need to register for the Catechism.


We have confessions Thurs-Sat at 7pm and on Sundays during Mass.


Please see the link for information on requirements.

Marriage Preparation

We ask you to read the requirements for Marriage. When you and your partner are ready, please stop by the parish office to register.


Please see the link for information in requirements.


Registrations for RCIA. (Rite of Christian Initiation for adults) will be August 11 & 25. Please see the link for information on requirements.